Taiwan Nantou Guoxing Coffee Farms

Coffee growing has an interesting history in the NANTOU area, especially around Guoxing township. Here, coffee cultivation was greatly encouraged by government investment following the disruptive “921” earthquake of 1999. Research has shown that many of the crops grown before in this area have caused significant soil erosion leading to increased danger of landslides in this earthquake prone area. One of the crops suggested to improve land management and sustainability is coffee.

Guangxian Coffee Farm is a small family run coffee farm, located in the mountains and forests that their father has worked for many years. Their coffee farm is located at an altitude of 900-950 meters in Guoxing Township. Here, the temperature difference between day and night is large, with warm sunshine most day. These are perfect condition for coffee tress.

At present, the main coffee varietals cover a range of Arabica types but they have plans In the future to add like Geisha. What they pursue in agriculture is sustainable management and a friendly working environment. Planting, weeding, fertilisation, pest control, harvesting, post-production are all done by the family. Fertilisation is organic. Pest control uses microbial agents reflecting the food safety of agricultural prorities of modern farmers. They have invested in following the guidance of the Taiwanese farmers association and have attained organic certification. Good and Healthy Coffee is their philosophy.
