Our Beans
We buy green beans from a range of coffee
farmers throughout Taiwan’s mountainous regions.
Each region offers unique geography and
differing ranges of altitudes that influence the quality
- and quantity - of the beans available.
farmers throughout Taiwan’s mountainous regions.
Each region offers unique geography and
differing ranges of altitudes that influence the quality
- and quantity - of the beans available.
Weather and climate play an enormous role in the life
of these farms, so variations in flavour and harvest are
a seasonal opportunity to experience how the coffee
has adapted to ever changing conditions.
of these farms, so variations in flavour and harvest are
a seasonal opportunity to experience how the coffee
has adapted to ever changing conditions.
Each season farmers will adjust bean treatment t
o assure delivery of the best quality product using
a variety of harvesting and washing options.
We feedback to farmers which of these options
work best for each batch of beans harvested.
o assure delivery of the best quality product using
a variety of harvesting and washing options.
We feedback to farmers which of these options
work best for each batch of beans harvested.